More Garden Whimsey for Your Garden or Gift Giving

When we go to market, Dane shops circles around me.  I have to look at everything, touch it, talk to the rep or artist and on and on it goes.  I take days to see it all.  Dane is much more efficient.  He seems to zero in on stone, wood, steel – and always unique.  He talks less and sees more.

And so it went when he discovered this line – Elizabeth Keith Designs – recently.  He knows some of our customers have blank walls on the outside of their homes that they want to dress up.  And he knows many folks are hoping to spend their dollars with “made in America” products.  This art is designed and created in Cary, North Carolina by the trio of owners, Chris & Karen Montgomery and Michael Markham.

As an artist with the company said “The sun and the moon are constants in our lives, radiating light and life, always with us but ever changing. Artist Michael Markham has been drawn to these celestial symbols throughout his artistic career, rendering sun and moon faces in silver, in fine woodwork and in clay. “The sun is always rising” says the artist. “Perhaps that’s why it’s such a potent symbol for me. It’s reborn every morning.”

Not only new every morning (like our Lord’s mercies), the endearing faces on these sculpted suns are friendly, warm and caring; just what we want in our gardens.  Come in Cedar Street Boutique to see these wonderful clay and steel creations.  I bet they’ll make you smile.