SunLeaf 100% Pure Essential Oils

Looking for essential oils to use in exfoliating sugar scrubs or to make your home smell good?  Did you know you can use essential oils to make your own house hold cleaners?  I’ve recently found a company I feel offers a quality oil,  gathered from a sustainable source that is good for us and for our planet.   Please read more to learn why I like them then come in the store, smell them all, and experience the enchanting blends.

Simple, pure ingredients

“It’s a pleasure doing business with SunLeaf Naturals. The people behind the products are beautiful and thoughtful and they shine through the entire line. Each product is well thought out and holds true to the company’s philosophy of simple, pure ingredients blended to work. They also strive to use minimal packaging. I tell customers over and over again, this is a local product line anyone can feel really great supporting. We really love SunLeaf Naturals!”

Karyn Hjelden
Multi-store Wellness Manager
Lakewinds, Minnetonka MN

What a pleasure…

“I am writing to tell you a story about your products and how wonderful they are. I am a real estate agent working in the western suburbs of Minnesota. I had a home listed that recently sold, a very lovely home. After the purchase agreement had been negotiated, inspections completed, etc., I received a phone call from the agent that had represented the buyer in the transaction, now mind you the property had not closed yet. He called to ask me a “huge favor” for the buyer moving here from Texas.

All the buyer wanted to know, of all the things a buyer moving thousands of miles away from home was, where did the owner get the wonderful scents throughout the house, and they wanted to make sure they too could find where to buy them. What a pleasure to let them know they are widely available and made right here in Minnesota!

Your products made a huge difference in the incredibly difficult real estate market. I will be telling every seller I have to use your diffusers at a minimum. They will be in all my listing packages!”

– Beth, Realtor