LeightWorks Wearable Fine Art

Beautiful earrings – some frosted, some polished – available at Cedar St. Boutique. We are closed for the curve crusher (Corona Virus) but just wanted to show you some of the cool stuff we have – so if we ever get back to normal…you might stop in and see us! OR, we’re happy to mail you a pair  ($48/pair) so you can play dress up at home . Hang in there!

The Creation Process of this Jewelry – Working as an independent artist in San Diego, CA since 2004, David Leight has created LeightWorks Crystal Jewelry.  He attended Pilchuck glass school, founded by Dale Chihuly, TWICE.  He was one of the youngest artists to ever attend the school.  There he studied the art of shaping & developed a unique style of cutting crystal based on his observations of crystal and ice and strived to exemplify their characteristics and enhance light in his creations

Using his original techniques, each piece of fine optic glass and natural crystal is hand cut and layered inside with precious metals to produce the iridescent glow of color from within.   Different blends of precious metals product different colors.  The pieces are frost or polish finished, then completed by handcrafting sterling silver and/or gold designs around.

All pieces are custom shaped to enhance the light and color; bringing style, simple elegance and an “Eye-Catching” quality to all who wear them. The pieces constantly glow and change color depending on the amount of light around the piece, skin tones, movement, or color of your clothing.  If you like compliments…you’ll love this jewelry!  


award winning work is now sold all throughout the world in various galleries, museums, airports, casinos, cruise ships, hospitals, boutiques, salons, gift shops and other retail locations.  LeightWorks has been seen on Fox, ABC, NBC, KUSI and various news shows over the years.