Garden Groupies

Garden Groupies is a fun little event we schedule most months typically on a Tuesday morning to allow us to show off some of our favorite and prettiest plants.  A variety of folks from beginning gardeners, transplanted gardeners (from the north or west to the south) that aren’t sure how to garden here, master gardeners, garden clubs and vegetable gardeners join us.  We start off with refreshments about 10 am in the garden or on the porch and begin our talk at 10:30.  An informal talk ensues with somewhere between 10 and 15 plants shown and taught including soil preferences, light and water requirements, blooming expectations, cold weather care, medicinal properties as well as a little trivia and history.   Sometimes there are jokes, sometimes give-aways, sometimes new friendships bloom,  always followed by shopping of garden plants and accessories and the question “When is the next Groupies scheduled for?” which lets us know, they had a good time.

We hope you’ll join us sometime and brings a friend.  Sign up for our monthly newsletter to find out the next groupies scheduled or call the shop at 465-1460 and ask our cashier.


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