When you go to the mailbox to check your mail, who doesn’t like to receive a handwritten envelope from a friend or loved one instead of just bills & junk mail? Why not send a teacup card purchased at Grumbles House to folks you love and want to stay in touch with? Brighten their day by sending a greeting card that contains a color coordinated bag of tea waiting to be brewed. Teacup cards feature beautiful Victorian teacups surrounded by doilies, florals & period art designed by Kimberly whose education and training is in architecture.
“May each card deliver joy and encouragement to warm the hearts of those who receive them” says Kimberly. She started making greeting cards in 1984, hand painting them for those she loved
. She learned that “Ultimately, when we share kind words and encouragement, especially when it comes with a warm cup of tea to initiate comfort, it stops being about ourselves and begins being about others, and that is about as good as it gets.”
She had no plans of having a greeting card business but after all the positive feedback from those she gifted her cards to and by God’s gentle leading, and a series of many baby steps, this collection of Teacup Greeting cards are now available in fine stores so you can share your thoughts, encouragement, and tea with others in sweet style.
We add holiday cards like fall, Christmas, Easter and Mother’s Day throughout the year. These are just one of the specialty greeting cards we carry at Grumbles House.