Learning about Daylilies


One of the things we LOVE to do at Grumbles House is create community by bringing people together who don’t yet know each other. We do this through events that align with our values and our business.  We like to learn what we can do to better ourselves and our surroundings and we find many of you do too.  We host gardening & earth friendly events and today we enjoyed a visit and lesson from Nicole’s Daylilies of Eustis.
Nicole & her mother Susan told some plant-love history and how Nicole became interested in hybridizing and then went on to explain the parts of a daylily (we saw the ovary – how exciting), how to pollinate and a little about Nicole’s business and how it’s grown over the years.  Information & publications from the Daylily Society were shared, lots of questions were asked and answered and we all got a bloom or two to take with us through the day.
We appreciate Nicole & Susan coming to share as well as those who attended who added to the conversation.  Until next time…. thanks for reading and we hope you’ll join us for an event in the future.
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