New Merchandise

Even though we didn’t attend trade shows this summer, due to Covid 19, we have found plenty of cool merchandise to fill up the store with.  I get a call to come see a barn full of antiques, I find a vendor who hasn’t been able to sell their crafts through their normal craft shows because they are all cancelled and my sales reps are sharing new lines with me on line.  As a result, my fears of having an empty store and not being able to find new things, has been put to rest.  We are full to the brim with periodic orders shipping in over next couple months.


Things that have been popular include jigsaw puzzles, playing cards, books & bookmarks, our meditation pillows, unique handmade things that just make folks happy and always, jewelry – to gift and enjoy for oneself.  One of the funniest things I’ve read online related to Covid 19 is the lady who had “cabin fever” so bad that she was excited when it was time to take out the garbage and she was pondering “What should I wear”?  All excited to dress up for something!  Also, same lady was trying to entertain herself by saying she was going to hide liquor bottles in each room in her house and that night she was going on a pub crawl from room to room.  Crazy times!  Let us know if we can help you get through it a little more gracefully with a plant & some pots or a deck of fun cards, a Memory game or puzzles.  Hang in there!  Love, the Grumbles House Gang